Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The most powerful wind turbine!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
"Why does the media still think video games are bad for kids?'
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
"Five Immigrant Cities Among The Top Ten Safest In America"
So much for stereotypes!
"Numerous independent studies over the past century have proven categorically that immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes or reside behind bars than native born people."
So much for stereotypes!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Grammar Question 3
Sometimes I read words like well-known/well known with or without a hyphen. Is one of them wrong or are both versions of the word used at different times?
Grammar Question 2
Whenever you use two adjectives to describe a subject, do you use a comma in between both words?
In other words, is it
"The beautiful blonde girl..."
"The beautiful, blonde girl..." ?
In other words, is it
"The beautiful blonde girl..."
"The beautiful, blonde girl..." ?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Grammar Question 1
Is there a difference between the meanings and usages of the words 'among' and 'amongst'?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Paper 2 Topic: Biotechnology
The topic for my second College Writing paper is Biotechnology. Biotechnology is “the manipulation (as through genetic engineering) of living organisms or their components to produce useful usually commercial products” (“Merriam Webster”). The reason I chose this topic is because genetically engineered foods are taking over shelf space in supermarkets and grocery stores. We may think that the apple we eat for breakfast every morning, let's say, was carefully picked by a farmer in a small Bostonian apple orchard. This may have been true years ago but now, over 80% of food in the United States is genetically modified. Another one of the reasons why I wrote about biotech is because I wanted to research the advantages and shortcomings of this new revolutionary technology to broaden my knowledge about the topic.
Friday, July 16, 2010
"'Everything that goes up must come down. But there comes a time when not everything that's down can come up.' George Burns couldn't probably imagine that his quote would eventually also be applied Google's main page. Play with the elements and try searching whenever you get tired of it."
Thursday, July 15, 2010
This Gadget
Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Weekend, weekend, weekend!
MLA test- done
Midterm- done

Essay- almost done
Communications project- should consider starting?
Extended Essay- Hmm...

With Win, Spain Takes On the Meaning of Nation
With Win, Spain Takes On the Meaning of <i>Nation</i>
Very thought-provoking article- especially for somebody whose cultural identity is nebulous.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Baby Robert
Happy Birthday Giulia!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Paper 1 sources
“Antique Med.” “The Monaural Stethoscope.” Antique Med. Medical Antiques Online. 30 Jun. 2010
Baba, Frank. “Different Types of Stethoscopes.” Sooper Articles. SooperArticles. 7 Jul. 2010
“BBC News.” “Stethoscope hears kidney stones.” BBC News. 30 Oct. 2004. BBC. 5 Jul. 2010
“Del Hospital.” “Estetoscopio.” Del Hospital. Hospitales de Buenos Aires. 2 Jul. 2010
“Faqs.” “Health: Stethoscope.” Faqs.org. Advameg, Inc. 30 Jun. 2010 http://www.faqs.org/health/topics/28/Stethoscope.html
“Freedomscope.” “About Stethoscopes.” Freedomscope. Washington Publishers. 2 Jul. 2010 http://www.freedomscope.com/history_of_stethoscope.htm
“Free Patents Online.” “Recording Stethoscope United States Patent 3846585.” Free Patents Online. 13 Jul. 2010 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3846585.html
“Medicine Net.” “Definition of Stethoscope.” Med Terms. 28 Jul. 2010. Medicine Net, Inc. 30 Jun. 2010 http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=17896
“My Stethoscope.” “Help Desk- Stethoscope Frequently Asked Questions.” My Stethoscope. My Stethoscope, LLC. 7 Jul. 2010 http://www.mystethoscope.com/help.php
Roguin, Ariel. “Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec (1781-1826): The Man Behind the Stethoscope.” Clinical Medicine and Research. 7 Jul. 2006. Marshfield Clinic. 13 Jul. 2010 http://www.quickmedical.com/riester-diagnostics/pinard-fetal-stethoscope.html
Schwimmer, Joshua. “Your Next Stethoscope Should be Electronic. Here’s Why. (Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Model 3000 Review).” Health Line. 12 Jun. 2008. Healthline Networks. 7 Jul. 2010 http://www.healthline.com/blogs/medical_devices/2008/06/your-next-stethoscope-should-be.html
“Smart Stethoscope.” “‘Smart’ stethoscope developed in England. (UPI Top Stories).” Access my Library. Gale. 14 Jul. 2010 http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-7149460_ITM
“Smart Stethoscope Project.” “The Smart Stethoscope.” University of Southampton. 14 Jul. 2010 http://www.soton.ac.uk/business/success_stories/life_sciences/smart_stethoscope.shtml
“StethoscopePro.” “Noise Reduction Stethoscopes.” Stethoscope Pro. Lucid Enterprises. 7 Jul. 2010 http://www.stethoscopepro.com/noise-reduction-stethoscopes
Baba, Frank. “Different Types of Stethoscopes.” Sooper Articles. SooperArticles. 7 Jul. 2010
“BBC News.” “Stethoscope hears kidney stones.” BBC News. 30 Oct. 2004. BBC. 5 Jul. 2010
“Del Hospital.” “Estetoscopio.” Del Hospital. Hospitales de Buenos Aires. 2 Jul. 2010
“Faqs.” “Health: Stethoscope.” Faqs.org. Advameg, Inc. 30 Jun. 2010 http://www.faqs.org/health/topics/28/Stethoscope.html
“Freedomscope.” “About Stethoscopes.” Freedomscope. Washington Publishers. 2 Jul. 2010 http://www.freedomscope.com/history_of_stethoscope.htm
“Free Patents Online.” “Recording Stethoscope United States Patent 3846585.” Free Patents Online. 13 Jul. 2010 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3846585.html
“Medicine Net.” “Definition of Stethoscope.” Med Terms. 28 Jul. 2010. Medicine Net, Inc. 30 Jun. 2010 http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=17896
“My Stethoscope.” “Help Desk- Stethoscope Frequently Asked Questions.” My Stethoscope. My Stethoscope, LLC. 7 Jul. 2010 http://www.mystethoscope.com/help.php
Roguin, Ariel. “Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec (1781-1826): The Man Behind the Stethoscope.” Clinical Medicine and Research. 7 Jul. 2006. Marshfield Clinic. 13 Jul. 2010 http://www.quickmedical.com/riester-diagnostics/pinard-fetal-stethoscope.html
Schwimmer, Joshua. “Your Next Stethoscope Should be Electronic. Here’s Why. (Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Model 3000 Review).” Health Line. 12 Jun. 2008. Healthline Networks. 7 Jul. 2010 http://www.healthline.com/blogs/medical_devices/2008/06/your-next-stethoscope-should-be.html
“Smart Stethoscope.” “‘Smart’ stethoscope developed in England. (UPI Top Stories).” Access my Library. Gale. 14 Jul. 2010 http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-7149460_ITM
“Smart Stethoscope Project.” “The Smart Stethoscope.” University of Southampton. 14 Jul. 2010 http://www.soton.ac.uk/business/success_stories/life_sciences/smart_stethoscope.shtml
“StethoscopePro.” “Noise Reduction Stethoscopes.” Stethoscope Pro. Lucid Enterprises. 7 Jul. 2010 http://www.stethoscopepro.com/noise-reduction-stethoscopes
Essay Outline
-Paragraph 1: Birth and early developmental stages of the stethoscope.
-Paragraph 2: Description and particular advantages of the acoustic stethoscope.
-Paragraph 3: Description and particular advantages of the electronic stethoscope.
-Paragraph 4: Description and particular advantages of the noise-reduction stethoscope.
-Paragraph 5: Description and particular advantages of the recordable stethoscope.
-Paragraph 6: Description and particular advantages of the fetal stethoscope.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Final Thesis Statement
This paper will discuss the origins and early developmental stages of the stethoscope as well as the five main types and the advantages each distinct type offer medical practitioners.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Final Thesis Statement (though possibly pre-final)
This paper will discuss the birth and early developmental stages of the stethoscope as well as the five main types and the advantages each distinct type offer medical practitioners.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff: the life cycle of material goods.
Living in a society where materialism and consumerism are ways of life, oftentimes we don't realize that we waste and misuse resources on a daily basis. This animated video clip depicts the journey of 'stuff'- dividing it into Extraction, Production, Distribution, Consumption, Disposal, and Another Way- with the purpose of building "a strong, diverse, decentralized, cross-sector movement to transform systems of production and consumption to serve ecological sustainability and social wellbeing."
Poema 14
Poema 14 by Pablo Neruda
(probably my favorite poem written in Spanish).
Sutil visitadora, llegas en la flor y en el agua.
Eres más que esta blanca cabecita que aprieto
como un racimo entre mis manos cada día.
A nadie te pareces desde que yo te amo.
Déjame tenderte entre guirnaldas amarillas.
Quién escribe tu nombre con letras de humo entre las estrellas del sur?
Ah déjame recordarte cómo eras entonces, cuando aún no existías.
De pronto el viento aúlla y golpea mi ventana cerrada.
El cielo es una red cuajada de peces sombríos.
Aquí vienen a dar todos los vientos, todos.
Se desviste la lluvia.
Pasan huyendo los pájaros.
El viento. El viento.
Yo sólo puedo luchar contra la fuerza de los hombres.
El temporal arremolina hojas oscuras
y suelta todas las barcas que anoche amarraron al cielo.
Tú estás aquí. Ah tú no huyes.
Tú me responderás hasta el último grito.
Ovíllate a mi lado como si tuvieras miedo.
Sin embargo alguna vez corrió una sombra extraña por tus ojos.
Ahora, ahora también, pequeña, me traes madreselvas,
y tienes hasta los senos perfumados.
Mientras el viento triste galopa matando mariposas
yo te amo, y mi alegría muerde tu boca de ciruela.
Cuanto te habrá dolido acostumbrarte a mí,
a mi alma sola y salvaje, a mi nombre que todos ahuyentan.
Hemos visto arder tantas veces el lucero besándonos los ojos
y sobre nuestras cabezas destorcerse los crepúsculos en abanicos girantes.
Mis palabras llovieron sobre ti acariciándote.
Amé desde hace tiempo tu cuerpo de nácar soleado.
Hasta te creo dueña del universo.
Te traeré de las montañas flores alegres, copihues,
avellanas oscuras, y cestas silvestres de besos.
Quiero hacer contigo
lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos.
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